रविवार, 3 अप्रैल 2016

“The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together…”How to face sufferings in life...(Part one)

We all want to understand life in the simplest words. Poets, writers, philosophers have defined it in different ways. But still, no definition about life is complete.
That’s why it is so complicated!
The more we grow in age and gain experiences, the more we try to explore the mysteries of life to understand   and define it. The more we try to define it, the more complicated it becomes!
Dear friends, don’t worry!
We shall try to define and understand it in fragments.
Let’s take one but very common aspect of life.
We all like joys, and dislike sorrows. Almost all of us do not want knowingly to invite sorrows and troubles to come in our life. But they do come and make our life gloomy and sad.
In that situation, the need is to face sorrows boldly and wait anxiously for the joys to come in our life.
It will be sheer foolishness on our part if we start weeping and blaming ourselves or the people for sorrows we have to face.
Many people believe that the sufferings in this life are the outcome of our bad 'Karmas' (bad actions) in the previous life. Some of them were already faced by us in the previous life and the remaining we have to face in the present life. In the same way, we will face the result of our bad actions in the present life. It the number of our bad action is more and then the punishment given to us by God will be carried on in the next life to come.

This theory, maybe based on superstition, yet it is very helpful in making us strong to face the sufferings in the present life.
Going through the process of facing sorrows in life is similar to passing through the shroud of fog in the atmosphere while driving a car. We are unable to see the way clearly. We have to be careful in driving in that situation and also we have to show our immense patience to stand victorious in the end. If we stop driving the car in the tunnel, we cannot go ahead. Similarly if we keep on lamenting over sufferings, we will create so many other problems for our body and mind. One has to face them boldly and try to get out of them as early as possible. 

But after sometime, the visibility is restored as the sun appears in the sky and the fog disappears and we feel as if the fog had not been there at all around us.
Similarly sorrows and sufferings also disappear from our life and we feel as if they had never existed in our life. When joys come in our life, we become the same person again.
Without sorrows and sufferings, we do not know the value of joys. That’s why; these have their due place in life.
In this context, I remember a very famous line of Shakespeare.
“The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together…”
When we are facing sufferings and sorrows, we should start finding the reason or the cause that has created that adverse situation for us. Once we find it, we should try to make efforts in damage-control. In this way, we improve our inner-being by knowing our mistakes and remembering it never to be repeated.

Sometimes, we face adverse situations in life because of others. In that case, we may ignore them and forget what they did or say to us. It’s not sane to keep on mourning over and inviting gloom in our life just because of others. If we do, it is their victory as they want to see us in gloom of sadness. 
Let not the satanic forces win.

रविवार, 27 मार्च 2016

…why people tell lies ...लोग झूठ क्यों बोलते हैं!

झूठ मन  में एक अजीब सा भय पैदा करता  है जो व्यक्तित्व की कमज़ोरी बन जाता है1 
झूठ बोलने वाले को यह  डर सदैव लगा रहता है कि कहीं उसका झूठ पकड़ा जाये  1
उसे यह भी याद रखना पड़ता  है कि उस दिन उसने क्या कहा था 1
सच बोलने वाले को कुछ भी याद रखने की आवयश्कता नहीं होती 1 

रिश्तों में झूठ अगर प्रवेश करने लगे तो समझ लो कि रिश्ते अब कमज़ोर होने लग गए हैं
झूठ वह हथियार है जो थोड़े समय के लिए स्थिति को बिगड़ने से बचा तो लेगा, परन्तु जब यह उजागर होगा तो रिश्ते  में एक दूरी सी बन जाएगी जिसे मिटाना मुश्किल हो जायेगा1
 कहा जाता है कि झूठ अधिक देर तक सच के सामने टिक नहीं सकता यह बात बिलकुल सच है1
अब प्रश्न उठता है कि लोग झूठ का सहारा क्यों लेते हैं?
उपरोक्त प्रश्न का उत्तर बाद में ढूढेंगे, पहले कुछ उदहारण लेते हैं1 

अध्यापक के सामने कुछ विद्यार्थी तरह तरह के झूठ बोलते हैं1
वे सब झूठ पकडे जाते हैं जब अध्यापक अभिभावकों से सीधे बात कर लेते हैं1 फिर वे विद्यार्थी अपना  सर झुका कर खड़े हो जायेंगे और शर्मिंदगी महसूस करेंगे1
 विद्यार्थी इस लिए झूठ बोलते हैं क्योंकि  वे सोचते हैं कि अध्यापक का वे आसानी से बेवकूफ  बना देंगे और वे उनके माता-पिता से बात नहीं करेंगे1

 यह भी सच नहीं है कि हम सब सदैव सच बोलते हैं...शायद घर में जब बच्चा पलता और बड़ा होता है तो झूठ बोलने कि शिक्षा उसे वहीँ मिल जाती है 1
ऐसे में झूठ बोलने वाले विद्यार्थियों के बारे  में और क्या कहा जाये, यह सोचने का विषय है 1
 जब रिश्तों में झूठ बोला जाता है तो गंभीर विषय बन जाता है क्यूंकि वहां ट्रस्ट क़ी बात होती है 1
पति या पत्नी  अगर यह पूछें कि किसका फोन अटेंड किया था.....वह कहाँ गया था या गयी थी ...और यदि पति या पत्नी यहाँ झूठ बोले तो मेरी दृष्टि में यह सही बात नहीं है 
उसी वक़्त न बताया जाये तो   कोई बात नहीं, बाद में बता दिया जाये....परन्तु झूठ नहीं १ 
कई बार बोलने वाला इस लिए भी झूठ बोलने लग जाता है कि सुनने वाले में सच सुनने की सहनशक्ति नहीं होती1
सच सुन कर वह यदि चीखने लगे या हिंसक हो जाये, तो भी झूठ का सहारा लिया जाता है1
कुछ झूठ किसी की सहायता करने के लिए भी लोग बोलते हैं1
यदि सहायता उचित है और उस सहायता से किसी पर बुरा प्रभाव 

नहीं पड़  रहा तो लोग ऐसे झूठ को बुरा नहीं समझते
क्या यह संभव है कि सभी लोग सच बोलने लग जाएँ?

मुझे नहीं लगता कि लोग ऐसा करने लग जायेंगे, विशेषतौर पर 

जब लोग इसी तलाश में होते हैं कि कब किसी की कोई कमज़ोरी 

उनके हाथ लग जाये1  
इसका अर्थ यह हुआ कि हम खुली किताब नहीं हो सकते1

तो लोग क्यों कहते हैं कि झूठ नहीं बोलना चाहिए?
बस यही ध्यान रखना होगा कि झूठ कितना, कैसा और कहाँ बोलना है !!!

लोग अपना स्वार्थ पूरा करने के लिए झूठ बोलते हैं1

इस लिए झूठ बोलने वालों से चौकस रहना ही समझदारी होगा1  

 Lie creates a very strange type of fear in mind. It also weakens one’s personality.
The person is always afraid lest his/her lie should be caught. He has to remain alert and remember the lie he had spoken.
A truthful person doesn’t have to remember what he had said.
If lie enters into relationship, one needs to understand that the edifice of relationship may crumble any time.
Lie is an instrument that can save a situation from being aggravated; but it would create a wide gap between or among persons when it comes to the fore.  
Then it would be difficult to remove that gap. It is said that lie cannot face the Truth for more time. 
It is a fact indeed. It is said that lie cannot face the Truth for more time. It is a fact indeed. 
Now the question arises as to why people tell lies. 

Some students tell lie in front of the teachers creating different situations. Their lie is exposed when the teachers directly contact their parents to ascertain what their wards are narrating. 
Then those students stand in front of the whole class and feel embarrassed.
Students tell lies because they have an illusion that they would be-fool their teachers easily on the presumption that the teachers would not bother to inquire about anything from their parents.
Lie generates a strange type of fear in the mind of the person and it also hampers the normal development of positivism in the personality.
He or she is always under the fear of being exposed anytime.
He also has to remember as to what he had said on the previous time.
A truthful person does not have to remember anything.
This is not true that we always speak the truth.
 A child grows up in a family and it is there he gets the training of telling lie.
In such a situation  what to say about the student who, as a child, has already got the training of telling lie.
When people tell lies in relationships, it is a serious matter because trust is at stake in that situation.
 If the wife tells lie when asked by her husband about whose telephone she was attending or where she had gone for such a long time, what will be the outcome?
People tell lies due to their selfish motives and this is always devastating to any kind of relationship. So, the need is to be alert about liars!
Many a time, the speaker tells a lie because the listener has no tolerance to listen to the truth. He or she starts shouting loudly or becomes violent after listening to the truth.
So, in such situation also, people start telling lies.
Some people tell lies to help others. If the help is appropriate and it does not affect any other person, people in general do not think it bad.
Is it possible that all the people start speaking the truth?
I do not think that people would ever start doing this, especially when there are people are always in the look out to get some weak points of others. It means that we cannot be an open book to anyone.
In that case, why do people say that lie should not be told?

The only precaution to take is to see as to how much, how and where the lie is to be used!!!

शनिवार, 12 मार्च 2016

Tips For Becoming A Good Speaker

Tips For Becoming A Good  Speaker

We all know that we convey our thoughts through our speech.
Therefore, almost all of us want to become very good speakers in order to convey our thoughts to others in a very effective manner.

There are certain tips for improving the art of speaking.
1.Very good knowledge about the grammar of the language you speak
First of all, the basic structures of the language you speak must be clear to you.
2.Your sentences should be grammatically correct. 
Do not use any slang in your formal language.

3.Moderate Pitch of Voice
The pitch or the scale of your voice should be moderate: neither too high nor too low.
The listener should be able to understand easily what you speak. Some people speak at a very high pitch of their voice. It is very irritating and harmful to the listener.
·  The speaker cannot produce a desired effect on the listener if he or she speaks at a high pitch of voice.
·  Similarly, speaking at a low pitch of voice is not effective because the listener is not able to understand what you want to convey.
4.Tempo of the speech
 Moderate Tempo of the Speech
 It should be neither too fast nor too slow.
 When the speaker is very fast, the listener would feel difficulty to understand the meaning
 of the sentences.
If the speaker is very much slow, it  may cause dullness and laziness to the listener. Long pauses in speech may be irritating to the listener.  
If there are pauses, the speaker should have a practice for filling up those gaps with some common gap fillers like: ‘I mean to say, as you know, what you call it, okay…., hum……, well…., etc.
5.No touch of regional language
In our country, several regional languages are spoken. If the speaker uses the tinge of any regional language, the beauty of the language is spoilt.
Suppose the speaker is speaking English language and he is speaking it in Haryanvi or Punjabi style, you may well imagine the fate of English being spoken.
It is also true that it is very difficult to keep the purity of English spoken as a second language, but still, efforts can be made to speak it with the right pronunciation of the words.
If you are to speak Hindi, speak it with purity. Similarly you can speak other languages with purity.
6.Proper Delivery of the Words
When we speak words, we should keep in mind that we are doing full justice to the words we speak.
It means that we should speak full words and by giving them full energetic throw.
We should not  drop the sound of the last syllables in our sentences.
Some people may be doing this unintentionally because they do not know the fact that they are dropping the sound of last syllables.
For example, you want to pronounce the word ‘education’, splendid, determined, you must speak them correctly.
7.When you are speaking in a flow, sometimes you will have to squeeze or stretch certain words to give your speech a fluency.
For example:
Read the sentences:
 ‘A good conversation does not include the topics about  kitchen, the best cleansers, business, bus-time tables and several other dull topics.’
After squeezing and stretching:
‘Agoodconversation अगुडकनवशेशन (noun phrase as the subject) doesn’-tinclude- डजन्टइन्क्लूड
thetopicsabout-kitchen दटॉपिक्सअबाउटकिचन,
thebestcleansers,business,bus-timetables andseveralotherdulltopics.’
     बेस्ट क्लिंजेर्स बसटाइमटेबल्स
7.Practice of short and long vowel sounds to give the clarity to the words spoken
For example
The vowel sounds in the following words:
 (i) about अबाउट, glass ग्लास , bad बैड, bus बस, bird ब्अड,
 (ii) bed बेड
(iii) sit सिट, seat सीट
(iv) Dog डॉग
(vii) ball बोल
 (viii)Book बुक
(ix)Root रूट
 1. sheer शीअ()
2. How हाउ
3. Fate फेईट
4.Rare  रेअ()
5. Tour टूअ()
6. Site साईट
7. Joy जोई
8. so सउ
8.Self Confidence: This is very important for all kinds of speakers.
If there is no self confidence, you cannot think of becoming a very good speaker.
The reasons for having less confidence:
  1. Feeling shy: If you feel shy of speaking in front of others, it means you need exposure.
(a)  It seems that your parents and teachers did not encourage you to speak in front of others or they might not have noticed your weakness of feeling shy. With the passage of time, it continued growing within you.
Whatever be its reasons, you must remove your shyness and come out of it immediately if you wish to change your personality.

a.  Start interacting with the members of your      family immediately. Never feel shy of                speaking to your father, mother, sister,            brother, cousins and all.

b. Always try finding out opportunities to                   speak to others.
 c. When you meet others in a family function,            be friendly with them.
    d. Do not wait for the time that they will                       start conversing with you.
     e.Be an initiator. Begin your conversation                     about anything like weather, about day-to-               day events or the politics of your country.
In this manner your shyness would be removed within a short period.
 There may be some other reasons for your feeling   hesitant of speaking in front of others.
  1. You may be a victim of inferiority complex.
  2. You may be thinking that you will not be able to express your ideas properly or in a better way in front of people.
  3. You may compare yourself with others to find good points in them, but, at the same time, imbibe those good points in you but never get overwhelmed by the persons who possess them. It means you must not feel inferior to them.
  4. If you do so, you will be a victim of your own weak points.
What are those weak points that you may think about?
     (i) You may think that your voice quality is poorer than those of  others.
Okay…! It may be poorer but you may improve your voice quality. It is very easy. 
a.Another point you may think about is that the person to whom you are speaking to is very learned, qualified or a rich person or may be your superior or boss or maybe your teacher.
b.You must come out of your imaginary fears that you will not be able to express your views in front of such people.
c.Be confident and start speaking before them whenever you get proper chance.
d.Believe me that they will be pleased to see that you are speaking and sharing your views in front of them with them.
e.In the beginning you may speak not in a coherent way, after a few efforts you will feel natural and confident in front of them.
f.But never give up! Keep your will power always strong and alive.
g.Always remember that you want to become a very good speaker.
h.Some of you may also think that you have not a good command over the language you want to speak, particularly English and Hindi.
      Do not worry, you just start speaking and side by       side try to pick up the commonly spoken                   sentences and phrases.
j.Load your Hindi sentences with words in the beginning and then with phrases or half sentences( Principal or subordinate clauses).
In this way you will become habitual of using English in your sentences.
k.Think every action in English.
l.Create a permanent zeal for speaking the language of your choice and within a couple of weeks you will see the improvement within you.
m.Sometimes the impact of the regional language may come in the language you want to speak. Try to remain conscious or alert about it for some days.
 After a few days, you may be able to remove the impact of the regional language.
But it needs constant effort on your part.
Very often, I have seen that some students hesitate to speak with others because they do not have full knowledge about the topic being discussed.
In that case, keeping silent is their natural choice.
If this is also your case, you must keep updating yourselves about the current issues that are often discussed by people.
If some students discuss about movies, you must get knowledge about the latest or the old movies. It adds to your general knowledge.
If your friends sometimes discuss about music, you also increase your knowledge about music. For example, they may talk about pop singers, ghazal singers, etc.
Similarly you must update your knowledge about sports, history, politics, etc. to enhance your knowledge.
   It means a very good speaker must have a very      good knowledge about several areas of general  
   It also means that many of the students or the        people remain silent in most of the situations  
   because they have nothing to say.
   Sometimes it may also happen with you that you    want to say something that is already said by
   others who are present before you.
   Never mind! Such type of situation may arise          very often with anyone. I have read somewhere      that
   Gandhi ji faced the same type of problem when      he was a student of law in England.
   Try thinking very different from others. Be      natural in your responses.
  Speak what you feel very close to your heart.
  Be natural in your expression. Do not cram the subject matter on which you want to speak.
  Keep some points or ideas in your mind and then explain them one by one.
Steps to boost your confidence in speaking:
Suppose you have a very good knowledge about the current issues and general knowledge, but still you hesitate to take part in a discussion or speak in front of your class and teacher or in the morning assembly  

शनिवार, 20 फ़रवरी 2016

अपनी ऊर्जा को व्यर्थ की सोच एवं व्यर्थ कार्यों में नष्ट न कीजिये! Do not waste your energy in useless thoughts and actions.( In English also)

अपनी ऊर्जा को व्यर्थ की सोच एवं व्यर्थ कार्यों में नष्ट कीजिये!
मैं ऐसे कुछ लोगों को जानता हूँ जो अपने दिन की शुरआत बड़े ही सहज और शांत मन के साथ करते हैं
मैंने ऐसे लोगों को भी देखा है जो अपने दिन की शुरुआत तनावपूर्ण ढंग से करते हैं१
आओ सबसे पहले उन लोगों से मिलते हैं जो अपना दिन तनावपूर्ण ढंग से आरम्भ करते हैं!
ऐसे लोग सबसे पहले अपने बच्चों और बीवी को सोते हुए देख कर तनाव में जाते हैं१
ये बुड़बुड़ाना आरम्भ कर देते हैं: "इनका तो कुछ नहीं हो सकता कितनी बार कहा है कि स्वयं  शीघ्र उठोगी तो बच्चों को भी शीघ्र उठने की आदत हो जाएगी सारा दिन सोती रहती है मैं चार बजे जागा था....एक घंटे के लिए सैर भी कर आया...ये फिर भी सो रहीं है बच्चों को जगाकर उन्हें पढ़ा भी तो सकती है "
ये महाशय रात को देर से सोते हैं और जल्दी उठ जाते हैं इन्हे नींद सही ढंग से नहीं आती क्यों कि जब ये रात को सोते हैं तो आने वाले कल के लिए ढेर सारी प्लानिंग कर के सोने का प्रयत्न  करते है१ 
जब सोते समय कोई योजनाएं बनाने लगेगा तो नींद सही ढंग से नहीं आती रात को जब इनकी नींद बीच में टूटती  है तो इनकी योजनाएं फिर शुरू हो जाती हैं
सुबह चार बजे इन्हे अपने बिस्तर से उठना ही पड़ता हैं क्योंकि नींद तो इन्हे आएगी ही नहीं!

सैर से लौटने के पश्चात ये अपनी ऊर्जा अपनी बीवी और बच्चों को जगाने में नष्ट करते हैं
शेष दिन इनका कैसे बीतता होगा आप कल्पना कर सकते हैं
बेहतर यह है कि रात को जब आप सोना चाहते हो तो कोई अपना मनपसंद संगीत सुनिए, ग़ज़ल सुनिए, गीत या भजन कम वॉल्यूम पर सुनना आरम्भ कीजिये और धीरे धीरे आप को नींद आ जाएगी1
कई लोगों को टीवी पर कोई प्रोग्राम देखते हुवे नींद आ जाती है1
सबसे बेहतर फार्मूला है कि आप दिन भर श्रम कीजिये और नींद आपको समय पर आ जाएगी1 
कृपया अपना मन शांत रखिये1
अपनी समस्याओं से घिरे मत रहिये1
उनका विश्लेषण कीजिये1
जिस समस्याओं का हल आपके पास हैं, उनका समाधान निकालिये और जिनका  नहीं हैं, आप अपने किसी विश्वाशपात्र मित्र के पास जाइये और सलाह लीजिये1
यदि फिर भी कोई समाधान न मिले तो सब कुछ ईश्वर पर छोड़ दीजिये और निश्चिन्त हो जाइये इस विश्वाश के साथ कि 'ईशवर जो भी करता है, हमारी भलाई के लिए ही करता है '
फिर चाहे दुःख मिले या सुख उसे उपरवाले की मर्ज़ी मान कर सहन कीजिये1
सुख या दुःख आते जाते रहते हैं1
ऐसा नहीं है कि दुःख सदैव हमारे जीवन में रहेंगे1

तो दोस्तों अपने जीवन को सहज और सरल बनाइये!!!

मैंने कुछ लोगों को सैर करते हुए देखा है
कुछ लोग समूह में सैर करना पसंद करते हैं
अगर आप इन लोगों को ध्यान से देखो और सुनो तो आप जान जाओगे कि इनमें एक लीडर-टाइप होता है जिसके पीछे-पीछे आठ दस और लोग बड़ी तेज गति के साथ चल रहे होते हैं 1 
वह लीडर टाइप व्यक्ति ज़ोर-ज़ोर से बोल रहा होता हैं: किसी राजनैतिक पार्टी जिससे उसका कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं होता उसे कोस रहा होता है गालियां दे रहा होता है वह अपने आप को ज्ञानी मानता है और दूसरे जो उसके सामने मौन हैं उन्हें अज्ञानी कई बार तो उस व्यक्ति  की बातें सुन कर उसके अपने ही ग्रुप में से उसकी बात को काट देता है: तो शुरू हो जाता है महाभारत!
कुछ लोग अकेले में या दो-तीन के समूह में सैर करते हैं बिलकुल चुप चाप१ ऐसे लोग अपने अंदर असीम ऊर्जा को संग्रहित कर रहे होते हैं ये ऊर्जा उनको दिन भर लाभ देती है 1 
कई अध्यापक स्टाफरूप में बैठ कर अपने ख़ाली पीरियड में अपनी ऊर्जा को गप्पें  मारने में नष्ट कर रहे होते हैं जब कि वे अपनी ऊर्जा को चुप रह कर या अपने अगले पीरियड की तैयारी करके अपनी ऊर्जा का सदुपयोग कर सकते हैं  
कुछ अध्यापक ख़ाली घंटी (Period) का प्रयोग नकारात्मक ढंग से करते हैं: इधर-उधर की बातें करके, मुखिया की कार्यशैली पर अपने कटाक्ष कर के, अपने प्रतिद्वंदी अध्यापक पर व्यंग भरे कटाक्ष  कर के या राजनीति  या कोई और चर्चा कर के !
ठीक है राजनैतिक चर्चा भी करनी होती हैं, परन्तु जब आप स्वयं को ख़ाली पाओ यानि जब अपने सभी कार्य सही कर रखे हों    
विद्यार्थी भी अपनी ऊर्जा को व्यर्थ में नष्ट करने में पीछे नहीं हैं१
जब अध्यापक कक्षा में पढ़ा रहे होतें हैं तो उनमें से बहुत से कल्पना में लीन होते हैं या चुपचाप अपने साथी के साथ बातें कर रहे होते हैं
यदि कक्षा बिलकुल शांत हो कर पूरे मन से अध्यापक की बात सुने....तो कमाल हो जाये???
परन्तु ये कमाल होता नहीं....हर कक्षा में कुछ एक ऐसे विद्यार्थी अवश्य ही होतें हैं जो इस कमाल  को होने ही नहीं देते  
एक कविता है ..........जिसमें कवि आह्वान करता है यदि सारे  विश्व के लोग कुछ पलों के लिए अपने सभी कार्य छोड़ कर चुपचाप ऑंखें बंद कर के आत्मविश्लेषण करें तो कमाल हो जाये
कल्पना करो एक आतंकवादी जो कोई विस्फोट करने जा रहा हो ......वह अपने गलत कार्य को कुछ पलों के लिए छोड़ नहीं देगा?
सभी अपराधी अपने अपराध कुछ [पलों के लिए छोड़ देंगें१ 
इसका लाभ यह होगा कि जब बुरे लोग आत्म विश्लेषण करेंगे तो वे अपने द्वारा किये गए बुरे कार्यों पर मनन करेंगे

हो सकता है उन बुरे लोगों के मन में कोई परिवर्तन जाये या वे परिवर्तन कि प्रकिर्या पर कार्य करना आरम्भ कर दें?

Do not waste your energy in useless thoughts and actions.
I know such people who begin their day in a very natural way.
 I have seen such people also who begin their day in a very tense manner.
Let’s meet the people who begin their day in a stressful manner.
Such people, first of all, feel tense to notice their wives and children sleeping when they themselves are awake.
You may find one grumbling, “Nothing can be done to them. Many times I have told her to wake up early in the morning so that the children also become habitual of it. I woke at 4 a. m……have returned after walking for one hour….she is still sleeping. She can wake up the children and make them sit fro studying.

These gentlemen go to sleep late at night. They do not get sleep properly because when they go to bed, they try to sleep while thinking about so many plans about tommow.
When someone goes to bed with a plethora of plans in his mind, sleep eludes him or her.

When their sleep is broken at midnight due to some disturbance or some natural call, the reel of planning resumes in their mind.
As a result of it, they have to leave the bed at 4 a. m.

After coming back from walking, they waste their energy on waking their children and wives.
How the rest of their day passes, you can well imagine!
It will be better to listen to some favourite music, ghazal, song or bhajan at the low pitch of sound when you wish to go into the lap of sleep. Gradually you will be enjoying sound sleep while the music is on to soothe your tired mind.
Some people go to sleep while watching their favourite programme on TV.
The best formula to enter into the realm of sleep is to work hard during the day. You will fall asleep on time.
Please keep your mind serene and keep your problems at bay. Do not get overpowered by them.
Analyse them to find their solutions. After analyzing them, find out solutions to them if you have any.
If you don’t have solution for some, take advice of any of your most trusted friend. If you find no solution form him or her, then leave those problems to God and forget about them. Whatever be the consequence, take it as the will of God Almighty.
Always believe in the tenet that whatever God does, He does it for our welfare.
After that, you get pleasure or pain, joy or sorrow; accept them as the gift from God.
Neither joy nor sorrow remains forever. They come and go; come and go….
Nothing is permanent in this world of flux.
So, friends, make your life simple and natural.

I have seen some people walking.

Some people like to walk in a group.
If you watch these people with rapt attention, you will come to know that, among them, there is a leader-type person who is followed by ten or twelve persons walking behind him fast.

That leader-type person is speaking at a louder pitch of his voice. He is cursing the political party with whom he has no alliance. He is abusing it. He considers himself ‘Knowledgeable’ while ignorant to those who are his silent listeners.
Sometimes it so happens that one of his group members snaps the thread of his argument or claims. Then ‘Mahabharta’ takes place!!!
 Some people prefer walking alone in a small group. Peacefully.
Such people keep a stock of huge energy within themselves. This energy benefits them throughout the day.
Some teachers waste their stock of energy in gossiping while sitting in the staff room in their vacant periods while they can save it or utilize it in preparing for their next period.

Some of the teachers use their vacant period negatively by talking about useless things, by satirizing the working style of the principal or criticizing their opponent teachers or talking about politics.
 It’s okay that they should also talk on politics. But do it only when you are vacant after completing your pending work.
 Students are also not far behind in wasting their energy.

When the teacher is teaching in the class, many of them are lost in their dream worlds or secretly talking with their partners.

Would it not be a wonderful experience if the full class listens to the teacher with full attention silently?
But such miracle does not happen in the class-rooms!
Every class has such students who are designed to stop such miracle happen.
There is a beautiful poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ by Pablo Neruda.
The poet imagines that if all the people of the world sit in silence for a few seconds suspending their all physical activities and start introspecting themselves, it would really be a wonderful experience.
Imagine that a terrorist, who is going to blast, suspends his nefarious task for a few seconds.
All the criminals will suspend their crimes for a few seconds.
This will lead to the benefit that the wicked people while doing introspection might start thinking on their evil deeds which they performed in the past. It may be possible that there occurs some change in their mind to abandon evil deeds or the process towards positivism might begin in them!!!

The Clever Farmer and the Greedy Merchant

  The Clever Farmer and the Greedy Merchant A simple farmer named Raghav lived in the vibrant village of Suryapur, nestled along the lush ...