Have you
ever tried to understand your personality? If not, please do it.
We very
often think about others and keep on evaluating their personalities.
This does
not benefit us so much as we are benefited by doing our own evaluation and
If we
understand ourselves, we can remove our deficiencies and bring about an
improvement in ourselves.
If we think
ourselves perfect, it’s our folly.
Nothing is
perfect in this mortal world; nothing is complete truth, except God.
The first
stage to understand ourselves is that we should believe that we are not perfect
in everything. We must consider ourselves incomplete beings and try to find out
as to in which area we are deficient.
I may tell
you to the easiest way to find out our deficiency. I will present before you
several personalities you will find out yourselves among them.
Please take
it granted that everyone cannot have everything. We are always deficient in one thing or the
other in our life.
If you have
patience, believe me that you possess the greatest treasure of the world.
Some people
(men or women) are such as want to make themselves pitiable & discontented and find peace and satisfaction
in this situation even if they have enough in their life. Despite that, they
have to remain uncomfortable and worried.
Think of a
person in whose house ‘all is well’; the son works in a company; daughters have been married off and he (father)
himself lives willingly in his parental village with his wife.
He still
nourishes a hope that his son must take prior permission from him to fulfill all
domestic needs. For example, if he wants to purchase an AC or a washing machine
for his use, he must ask his father for permission.
If you are
such a father, please understand and grant your son independence in this
independent country. It you are such a son, we feel sorry for you and hope that
your father will be reading this blog!
Let your son
live according to his decisions when he becomes economically independent.
Now I tell
you about a person, who is a woman; who got married two or three years ago.
When a girl
becomes a married woman and comes to live in a new house with her in-laws, she
has to bring about some changes in her personality; she has to make some
adjustments in new conditions and has to make a coordination and harmony where
there are hurdles and oddities.
If she does
not do so, she will remain upset.
There are
such persons who always take delight in teasing others or disturbing peaceful
atmosphere by their pieces of mischief.
Dear readers,
you will be astonished to know that such persons are found in abundance in
this world.
( In my next blog, I will talk about some more personalities. Please wait!)