रविवार, 14 फ़रवरी 2016

Road Rage Incidents: Outcome of What?

Feb 14, 2016
Good morning friends!
Sorry for the delay in visiting the site!
Friends, I was thinking to write about something unique, but the problem of choice created delay in writing.
The unique thought has not visited my mind today also.
But I am resolute to give some food for the soul.
Yesterday, I was coming from my native village. On the way, I saw two persons quarrelling. One was shouting at the other in loud voice and the other was not reacting so fiercely as the first one.
I went near them and came to know that it was the case of road rage.
People lose patience on roads and reach the verge of killing the other if any of them happens to overtake the vehicle or if the vehicle is rubbed due to rush on the road or due to carelessness.
In some cases, murders also take place.
You might be thinking that it happened because the other person had caused damage to the vehicle.
In my humble opinion, the cause lies somewhere else.
We attach ourselves to the material things so much that we cannot tolerate the least damage to them. We have become too much possessive!
Issues can be resolved amicably.
Sometimes we see children fighting on toys; the same thing we grown ups do.
If someone happens to hit your car from behind in cities like Delhi where the vehicles don't run but crawl following at the hit-prone distance, try to place yourself in his position and you will find the answer and then you will not lose patience. If the damage is minor, you should say "It's olay."
If the damage is substantial, you should try to resolve the issue amicably.
Do not let your ego bubble up if the other person is bent on quarrelling. These incidents are the outcome of sheer dissatisfaction in life and mental pressure.
In that case,  losing temper will aggravate the situation. Note down the number of vehicle take a photograph and call the police.
In some cases the situation does not remain in your control; in that case think and decide reasonably.
That's all for today.
Have a nice day!

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